Zim's Website

1,589 updates
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Oooh! I love how colorful your website is!
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ocpdzim 6 months ago

Thank you so much!!!

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Thanks for the follow! Your website looks awesome!
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YAY IM SO GLAD YOU HAVE A WEBSITE NOW.... Welcome to Neocities it's SO fun
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I'm so excited to see you have a website!!! I have been following you on tumblr for a while because I am interested in your worldbuilding stuff, but a tumblr blog is a little hard to navigate, so I was never really able to get more than scattered pieces. I'm looking forward to reading through everything =D
hi!!!! i saw your comment on my website, i don't really have a way to respond to it directly there so i was really happy to see you're also on neocities so I could tell you, it means a lot to me!! Thank you!!! I'm excited to see what you do with your site, too!
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Last updated 5 months ago
CreatedAug 29, 2022
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art colorful personal blog ocs