I Love Spreading Misinformation

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I'm done with this website, it's just mostly vague points outlining some of my ideas. I orginally wrote out this when I was 14 in early 2023 for a school project and I haven't been bothered to edit much of it. I'll leave this website up for it being kinda of a response to the misinformation bill that is been discussed in Australia.
badgraph1csghost 6 months ago

if you make another site hmu ill follow it

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elilenti 6 months ago

godspeed man

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gogodbalive 4 months ago

You did your best, and that's what matters.

Nice to read your content. Great concept! Keep it up! :D
1 like
thanks for following back, super cool site
based site (also incredibly good music taste)
thanks for following me <3
Huge fan of your work mr. Misinformation
cute site
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from statements i have made on my website I definitely have room for improve. I should have consider how there should be anti-harrasment laws to protect people from hate speech. Hate speech can be hard to defined because is an opinion offensive or do you personally just find it offensive. I am not saying hate speech should be allowed, but it can be hard to decipher what is hate or not.
ilovespreadingmisinformation 9 months ago

I'll add a part on to my website where I'll add exeptions to some of the points I have made.

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sines-and-cymbals 9 months ago

"Hate Speech" should be mandatory, being offensive is a public service

funnyorangecat 9 months ago

sines-and-cymbals what on EARTH are you talking about vro

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sakana 9 months ago

For my part, based on the content of your site, I thought it was kind of clear the playful "misinformation peddling" was referring to airy things like occult topics, wacky conspiracy theories etc rather than "eugenics" or "holocaust denial".

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sakana 9 months ago

There needs to be standards/oversight for the veracity of information conveyed in encyclopedias, journals, news media, textbooks etc but I don't think this enforcement should apply to random individuals using social media (even if I find what they're saying REALLY odious) barring exceptions like specific/targeted harrassment of other individuals.

thoughts-about-stuff 7 months ago

All speech can be perceived as “hate speech” if the hearer is sensitive enough. A free speech policy that doesn't permit hate speech is functionally the same as no free speech policy at all.

Love your website as the consequences of wisdom teeth removal and teeth removal in general are over looked. Wisdom teeth removal are oftenly unnecessary and extremely invasive. The procedure can very much prevented with palatal expansion for jaw widening to help with the crowding of the teeth just only one example. There also a spiritual significance of wisdom as they known to be connected to the pineal gland.

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Last updated 5 months ago
CreatedJun 27, 2022
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