The web site of epharaim

70 updates
0 tips
Gonna be completely honest, i don't have the faintest idea what I even want to do with my website. I feel like until I learn some CSS it won't be worth making any edits, but when I try to sit down and learn CSS I just can't get over the initial hurdle. I'm sure I'll do something eventually but uh, not sure when that'll ever happen.
numbersstory 2 months ago

what part about css are you struggling with? i might be able to help

epharaim 2 months ago

The biggest thing that I'm struggling with is how to apply different fonts to certain parts of a page (like if i want the header to be in one font and the body in a different one). Everything else *vaguely* makes sense from a code perspective but the fonts have me stumped for some reason.

numbersstory 2 months ago

if you have a discord i might be able to explain better there (@numbersstory is mine) or email if you'd like; this shouldn't be too hard to explain i just need more room to ask questions too lol

Btw updates will probably be intermittent for a good while because I’m writing an epic poem for my dnd setting, and I’d like to bang out the first section before moving back to updating the website.
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I have finally returned after exams thoroughly kicked my butt. Now that they're over with though I can hopefully get back into a semi-regular routine of updating the site again.
Been hitting a bit of roadblock when it comes to writing, especially with college ramping up ahead of finals. I’ll try and publish something new before the end of April but no promises
I've finally cajoled my sister into making some campaign artwork (free ice cream goes a long way) so hopefully I'll have some new stuff to post as I attempt to cook up some more cultural things
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Been getting my ass kicked at xiangqi, but it is nice to have a new board game I can learn and work my way up.
Does anyone have any good recommendations for Unity tutorials, specifically VFX graph? I tried it out today and good lord it is too complicated for me

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedAug 8, 2023
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immersivefiction personal worldbuilding dnd ttrpgs