The web site of Brnuo Rubim

2,024 updates
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Hey, I just found out through your site that "popover" is a thing, thanks!
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1 like
Your site is so cool!!
bruno-rubim 5 days ago

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it :D

that ufo flying across the about page is really cool! i never would of thought of that
1 like
bruno-rubim 1 week ago

It's a ! I learned about it yesterday, it'd pretty cool!

bruno-rubim 1 week ago

it's a "marquee" tag, I don't know why it didn't show on the other comment, I just saw it now

I tried editing the commented source, javascript doesn't seem to be working. I'm not sure if that's normal or if I'm messing something up
YOOOOOO Your site is awesome!!! I don't have alot of time right now to look through everything but I'll be back later!!
1 like
bruno-rubim 1 week ago

Thank you! I've still been meaning to check yours, I love the art and it looks hella cool!

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Last updated 20 hours ago
CreatedDec 7, 2023
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