my views went down too all of a sudden! mine was at 4,912 one second ago then i refreshed and it went to 4,909 so weird!
Oh god, I've read this for the first time and... YOU WERE IN DICE?? Holy shit, I'm so glad you got out of there, it is absolutely awful!!
a cult. a terrible terrible cult. it’s filled with gore and other bad stuff. the leader was the worst part though.
The gore is probably the least horrible thing!! They have encouraged paraphilias, doxxing, animal abuse, and other messed up things!! I nail to find this for info for now!! ( TW for cp, paraphilias, self harm, and other nasty things!!
yeah. it sucks being in there. i hate that I was in there and what I said in there.
@chipsfunfun it's okay!! It's not your fault!! You didn't do this on purpose, you were manipulated!!
yeah, I was but… god, it stuck with me. I’ve gotten better at controlling my anger and not saying bad stuff but… something happened today and I hate myself for it. God, this is hard.
dw, i didn’t say slurs and stuff… just threats, but that’s still bad, and I just… ugh. I’m glad I apologized tho.
@chipsfunfun it's okay, I personally forgive you!! I can understand the guilt!! It's ok!!
I sincerely hope you are able to get out of that awful situation with your father. I was in a somewhat similar situation, my birth parents neglecting to feed me as a baby. Thankfully, my grandparents were able to adopt me.
frye from deep cut <3
big man from deep cut <3