welcome to dietgilroy

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honestly i don’t want to stop using youtube since i would like to make videos, which would be impossible on invidious. (tbh i would to see you make videos) also i don’t really want to switch to linux since i’ve been used to windows a lot, and i could remove most of the bloatware it has, and i don’t want to just use only open source software, as some of it (gimp, openshot, shotcut) are not great
dietgilroy 2 days ago

also i don’t want to switch to another operating system just to have most of my programs just not work

dietgilroy 2 days ago

nice art tho

radspeon 2 days ago

feel like this could be an inside opinion

triiode 2 days ago

It is not unsafe to remove windows bloatware?

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dead ass site lmao
what happened lol
how do you have a custom url without supporter
coffeebug 1 month ago

i used to have supporter! when you stop paying, you keep your URL and any website you made under the same account

owlroost 4 weeks ago

At least temporarily- I lost my custom domain a few months after stopping supporter, so mileage may vary.

coffeebug 4 weeks ago

that's weird, ^^^ it's been 9 months since i stopped paying...

what happened
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graybox 1 month ago

kuru is just my alt lmao

dietgilroy 1 month ago

your site disappeared

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what if i copy you
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dietgilroy 1 month ago

you allow people to copy your website

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melancholic-entrails 4 weeks ago

well none of the content but if uwanna use some of the base

owlroost 4 weeks ago

They're referring to the copy heart, which DOES allow copying of content, base, etc. It's a fully open license. If you want a license that doesn't allow copying of content, then you need to choose something more restrictive and/or separate code licensing from writing licensing.

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owlroost 4 weeks ago

(Yes, it technically isn't a license, but the point stands that welcoming copying for a website often means welcoming the copying of the content of that site unless you're clear what you've allowed and what's not okay)

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finally got a new layout w/ sadgrl
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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedApr 15, 2024
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