lol. lmao

1,127 updates
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lol. lmao was updated.
1 month ago
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GUESS WHAAAAAAT THE NEW SITE IS UP!! though as you can see its not done yet, gonna wait till im fully finished with the homepage b4 i consider this site obsolete
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happy 40k views i guess, where the fuck are you people coming from
bit of a sudden announcement cuz i wanna get this over with quickly buut i have good news and bad(?) news, good news is ive gained some significant motivation to code the new site after a long time! bad(?) news is that the new site will not be hosted on neocities, but will instead be on nekoweb
yeagh 3 months ago

welcom back to existence

yeagh 3 months ago

how have i not seen one of ur posts in years lol (its rylanstuff/jellonet)

korekiyovillage 3 months ago

also just wanna put this out there, friendship ended w/ danganronpa now umineko is my best friend 🀝

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korekiyovillage 3 months ago


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yeagh 3 months ago

where do i start w/ umineko? think i had a friend who played it once, sounds cool

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korekiyovillage 3 months ago

^ READ THE VN FOR MAXIMUM IMMERSION!! but u could also read the manga in case u cant buy the vns, but PLEASE for the love of GOD do not watch the anime

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yeagh 3 months ago

anime adaptations suck i would cry if no more heroes got one

none of u are gonna guess what i havent been doing lately, aha
k i got good news and bad news. good news is that im proud of the theme and layout i currently have, bad news is that i no longer vibe with it nd now im gonna remake it. woe is me
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korekiyovillage 8 months ago

bonus neutral(?) news: ive somewhat decided on a site name, VEEEEERY heavy on the somewhat

happy halloween :]
current update on the new website: splash page is the only finished page so far, homepage is a work in progress. The current problem? what to name the new thinking tilt-a-whirl
this is going to take longer than i thought it would
Hello! The RPG Maker widget link has been updated! Please navigate to by 11/31/23 please. No worries if you miss the deadline! I can add you back in the place you were in just fine. (I see you're discontinuing updates.. Good luck remaking!)
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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedNov 4, 2022
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