BMH Online

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BMH Online was updated.
3 years ago
koshka 3 years ago

I haven't read the entire Unabomber's Manifesto yet but judging by the portions I have read, he was quite wise and ahead of his time.

bmh 3 years ago

@koshka Certainly, I've found the Manifesto to be very thought-provoking, and relevant decades on.

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BMH Online was updated.
3 years ago
BMH Online was updated.
3 years ago
nenko 3 years ago

These are really interesting pages, I hope you write more!

bmh 3 years ago

I'm pleased to hear you're enjoying them nenko, I am too and there is plenty more to come!

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hey brian, thanks for teh follow, can't wait to get stuck into exploring your homepage!
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bmh 3 years ago

Thanks also fLaMEd. I noticed The Chipmunks Rock the House album on your recordshelf; I'm pretty sure my sister had that on cassette!

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flamedfury 3 years ago

It was a great covers album for a young me that helped spur a big interest in music across a number of genres!

BMH Online was updated.
3 years ago
koshka 3 years ago

From my perspective, nothing on here is even particularly controversial. It's infuriating how hard it is to have a rational discussion about anything in this day and age. Normies are so afraid of being contradicted about anything that they treat any disagreement, regardless of how minute, as a declaration of war against their belief system.

nohappynonsense 3 years ago

@Koshka you're wrong, shut up idiot

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koshka 3 years ago

@StrangeCrust I love you too!

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bmh 3 years ago

LOL you guys! @koshka Thanks for sharing your perspective; it still surprises me how ingrained an official narrative can be and how rigidly people side with it at times.

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BMH Online was updated.
3 years ago
saint-images 3 years ago

This brought back memories of how the toaster my family owned when I was a child had a rather strong ejection mechanism, which I used to launch toast-shaped objects into the air.

bmh 3 years ago

@saint-images That's how toasters should be! This one though had a simple button that lately had become temperamental, I'm surprised it managed to eject the partially toasted toast, as it did, in its last whimper.

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