BMH Online

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BMH Online was updated.
2 years ago
bmh 2 years ago

I had a busy day yesterday not only updating the Shrine section to include Pets (as per Day 1 of the calendar) but preparing today's offering also.

koshka 2 years ago

Beautiful cats!! I'm sorry to hear that you were unable to be present for the deaths of so many of your cats. That's a scenario that always plagued me. As traumatic as my own cat's death was, I'm glad I at least had the "fortune" to be there and know that it happened.

bmh 2 years ago

@koshka Yes, the first time I experenced that kind of loss of a cat was in my childhood and we looked for her for days and hoped for a long time after that she would turn up. When it happened again years later I was better prepared mentally, but it's still a shame to not know what happened.

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CreatedJun 16, 2020
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