The web site of antique-bandit-interactive

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Honestly, with how companies are making their logos so simplistic (and arguably lifeless) nowadays, it'd be kind of fun to see people start responding by making their logos more and more complicated with each iteration.
chipsfunfun 2 years ago

I need to do this.

90sgenzkid 2 years ago

In Graphic Design, it's called as "Flat Design" or "Minimal Design"... Sometimes "Lifeless Design". it's really boring lookin' logos. Just like their names but... That gave great ideas lolololol

this is so interesting!!
antique-bandit-interactive 2 years ago

Hi. Thank you for taking interest in our project. We do update our website from time to time with new content. We hope you stick around.

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yo this is a cool site ngl lots of content and i love that! is this some sort of arg or real thing?
graybox 2 years ago

its part of an old youtube arg

antique-bandit-interactive 2 years ago

Hi. Thank you for taking interest in our project. It is very much an ARG, although we may try to make that clearer in the future. We do still upload YouTube videos from time to time, all of which should be linked on our website we believe.

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Just noticed that supporters seem to have a very familiar checkmark next to their names now. I have no opinion on this development.
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yudosai 2 years ago

what the hell why have they done this

yudosai 2 years ago

it was never like this before now i look lame af

The website overhaul is now live.
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Note that we are continuing to update our website. As we have never really done a major aesthetic overhaul to our website before, we may test out various visual looks before deciding on the correct one for us. We thank you for your patience and understanding.

Website Stats

Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedOct 20, 2019
Site Traffic Stats


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