Circa 1997

647 updates
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Did anyone see the new Weird Al music videos? It's All About The Pentiums and The Saga Begins!!!
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i just realized that because circa 1997 displays the date as exactly 25 years before present, this february it will show "February 29th, 1999" which is a date that never existed
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Circa 1997 was updated.
6 months ago
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Circa 1997 was updated.
7 months ago
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Can you believe it guys? Christmas, just a week away
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Circa 1997 was updated.
7 months ago
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Circa 1997 was updated.
7 months ago
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Circa 1997 was updated.
7 months ago
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did yall hear about that new "google" thing?
Circa 1997 was updated.
10 months ago
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Last updated 6 months ago
CreatedJul 23, 2022
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