haha thank you! decided to give you a follow bc your art style is so charming!! and it's always nice to see a fellow bass guitarist in the internet wild!! <3
Making templates is a great idea too, tbh, I am considering doing that just to exercise my ~design~ skills!
I may sound basic for this but I love playing Arctic Monkeys songs lol. And I know one (1) RHCP song so maybe that makes me less basic haha! Nice to see a fellow bassist on here as well <3
Hey, I've been working on Dark Necessities by RHCP. They have some great bass parts! What's the one you know?
I've recently learned Otherside bc I think it's their easiest one? I super love playing the bridge on that song!! I'd love to learn Dark Necessities too since I really like that song ^_^
hi!! Your page definitely caught my eye for that reason!! nut I also like your layout. Fun colors, it's got a lot of personality for how simple it is. Looking forward to seeing what you post!
Added ASCII/Kaomoji art on some pages, added /logs/bass, removed /writing page (moving that to a different site)
this is very helpful!! this is the first time i've done a lot of my own designing and coding mostly from scratch and honestly the hardest part has been learning how to organize and implement changes. i didn't know about prototype tools, and now i'm excited to play around with some!
thanks! i love reading through your linkblog! lots of interesting stuff :)