
645 updates
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deleted the post but archive is updated with new links. i have two new art pieces im hoping to add to my gallery quite soon into the future once they're complete
iku0hearts 1 month ago

im very sad that this year has had so little art. im hoping that i do a better job next year even with work and everything

i hate having art block 😓 im updating my archive again to console myself
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i have finished my final year of high school!! I should be more active now :] So excitied!!
very sorry for not updating as often. im on my final stretch for year 12 before i graduate 🙇🏿‍♀️
my visitor counter hasn't worked properly for ages i had no idea there was an update to remove external files for free accounts months ago. at least i can sleep in peace knowing that it wasnt my fault
iku0hearts 6 months ago

actually i think its always been goofed since december post cancelled

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedJul 24, 2022
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personal art artist