You are going to block this site. This will do the following:
- You will no longer see this site in searches.
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Are you sure you want to do this?
And well maybe I'm a bit uncomfortable or embarrassed given what this site has turned into atm. I want to make sure that everybody's okay with it I guess asdghhjkl; and I haven't been super interactive on here. Know that your websites are still super cool to me. ;w;
i come back because what you write resonates with me, and i think youre really cool <3 i like the direction your sites going in, so don't feel too insecure about it ^^
The way you're expressing yourself is so unique to you
I mean it's unique and gives me 2010s or Late 2000s vibe. Ooohh those sites, I miss them.
aesthetic and site design. I like pretties :> (waiting to see what'll go in creative)
ur site is kewl !!! not to mention omori reference on the entry page
it looks cool
i like your websites style and you seem like a cool person so I enjoy reading your microblog/journal entries :D