Planity's Place

700 updates
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Thanks for the followback! Love your page!!
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sunosin 1 month ago

pona tawa sina!!!! 🩷💛

1 like
Thanks for the follow! I love your site! I've added a link to it on my site, is that ok?
1 like
planity 1 month ago

Yeah no problem! I lovw your site too!

1 like
We see you have arrived baring records of what will soon cease to be. Tales of great glowing marbles to be frittered into the endless oblivion like a handful of ash thrown into the wind. We hope to see you at the weekly bingo night! UBWU
Yooo your site is absolutely lovely!
hi, thanks for the follow!! i love your website, especially your shelf page -- so creative!! did you make the code from scratch or use a template? :O
1 like
planity 2 months ago

thanks! its all from scratch!

1 like
thanks for following, love the site!
1 like
Thanks for the guestbook message! This project has lots of potential, cant wait to see what it looks like completed!
videojame 2 months ago

thank u very much :3

Nice site!
1 like
thefunkymanwebsite 3 months ago

thank you!! still very early in development but its coming along!!

1 like

Website Stats

Last updated 4 weeks ago
CreatedApr 8, 2023
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personal cute cozy tokipona space