Solaria's Webspace

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0 tips
re your comment abt the guestbook: i honestlly never considered making my own. i only know html and css (and a teeny js) and i figure something like a guestbook would use idk php or smth
solaria 12 months ago

but yeah! i think a tutorial would be a wonderful resource! not just for me but vry useful for the personal web community ^^

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jettsecret 12 months ago

it does require php, but for the most part it's pretty straight forward. I would probably make the php and database files available as a plug and play type thing so that the rest of it can be done just with js :)

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jettsecret 12 months ago

I'll probably make one then!!

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i love your sites black starry and violet theme, very soothing ^^
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the-rusty-zone 12 months ago

thank you so much! i aim to be a relaxing presence <3

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i hope there arent weird ads on my guestbook, i have adblocker on and i didnt even know it had ads when i signed up
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jettsecret 12 months ago

Its actually surprisingly easy to make your own guestbook if you want to get around the ads thing. I made mine, I could write up a little tutorial if you want

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sorry i accidentally added and deleted a comment, i thought i was on my profile :sob:
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spiders 1 year ago

RSJSJF it's okk dont worry abt it !

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thanks for the fun bun!!! i love the wings >:3
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paintkiller 1 year ago

NICE. More bunnies!

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solaria 1 year ago

two new bunnies and spruced up css :3

solaria 1 year ago

@paintkiller yes! im excited about the new bunnies too !!

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solaria 1 year ago

yet another bunny!!! i love you guys

i absolutely love the bunnies you made for the bunny garden!! they are so cute, i love their poses! ill be adding them right now ^^
dollarchive 1 year ago

yay i'm glad!! i really like the ones you made too!!

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omg i just noticed the garden background you made the display the bunnies on, how fun!
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artwork 1 year ago

i didn't make that, i'm not that talented! it's a background pixel from sayclub (a site from early 2000s).

1 like
thank you so much for the bunnies!!! they are so dear

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedFeb 14, 2022
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rainbow html css webdesign space