welcome to rinnispace!

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my pikmin 2 and 4 treasure icon packs are done! Here are the links to both: ;
rinnispace 1 hour ago

all images are named based on item, NOT ingame names! this makes these packs easy to browse even if you arent familiar with the games!

rinnispace 1 hour ago

please notify me if there are any problems with either pack!!!

ive been offline for a good while, which i expected, but i just wanted to say im thinking of y'all!! once the semester starts up i'll very likely get some more work done lol... i'm also taking this time to draw assets for the site, mostly!
rinnispace 4 days ago

i've also got more stuff to like... add as flavor? Like my MyAnimeList and my (new, lol) gaiaonline account. Lol... i love playing dressup.

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rinnispace 4 days ago

OH YEAH and getting a bunch of stuff onto filegarden so i can use it later on... trying to make that as organized as possible lel.

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rinnispace 1 week ago

blog entry, real one this time :3. i've been away for a while, but i promise i'm not dead.

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still on hiatus... lawl...
still on a bit of a coding hiatus bc of artfight,,, come fight me at dot com i'll fucking GET you
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I'm doing artfight again this year! I'm on team Stardust obv!!!
I’ll be back next week!
Still on trip until next sat, no updates and no status cafe prob till then! I do have stuff cooking up, though! Thanks for your patience!
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Crusher P on neocities!?!? Welcome!!!
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crusher 1 month ago

Thank you!!!

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedSep 9, 2022
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