
453 updates
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nebula-galaxy 8 months ago

new blog post on polyamory and the law

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nebula-galaxy 8 months ago

I added a new zine! this collaboration with my bestie is about labels, relationships, and breaking the platonic/romantic binary

nebula-galaxy 8 months ago

updated my website to have a blog tab which links to all my recent blog posts :)

nebula-galaxy 8 months ago

also published & linked to my first zine !!

nebula-galaxy 10 months ago

added a link to My Journey From Dumping Amatonormativity For Queer Intimacies by Usri Basistha:

have been offline writing my last ever class paper but i wrote it on polyamory and relationship anarchy stuff and will definitely be starting a blog on my webbed site now to cover some of these excellent articles i read :)
I love the buttons you made. So I took them and linked both! >:D
nebula-galaxy 1 year ago

aww thank you!!!

nebula-galaxy was updated.
1 year ago
1 like
I love your site and how the text & links change color and glow when you hover your mouse over them! and the buttons turn rainbow?? this is amazing
solaria 1 year ago

thank you!!!! I love adding hover effects >:3 I really like your gender wiki poem! its inspiring me to make wiki or blackout poetry. it's also nice to find another aro person!

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nebula-galaxy was updated.
1 year ago
nebula-galaxy was updated.
1 year ago

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Last updated 8 months ago
CreatedApr 23, 2023
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queer poetry gender amatonormativity zines