born in a world of strife

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beyondthesky 2 months ago

i've been learning how to make responsive pages !! eventually i want to go through and update all my pages to function on mobile, but unfortunately because my code is a mess and i basically have to rebuild pages from the ground up it's gonna take a Hot Minute :'') alsoooo finally redid the Dickson page !!! no new content (yet) but i'm sooo stoked with how it looks now !!!

taptroupe 2 months ago

godspeed on updating all your pages o7 being mobile friendly is awesome!!!

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shulks-scrapbook 2 months ago

YEAHHHHH DICKSON SWEEP <3 also i dont know if it will change it when im typing but. i have an extension that replaces dick with fungus maximus. due to a long running gag with a friend ANYWAY if my message says fungus maximusson sweep. goodbye <3

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shulks-scrapbook 2 months ago

the page looks wonderful btw i love the floating dickson png

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clotshot 2 months ago

Xenoblade Chronicles 1 is one of my all-time favorite games. Nice to see someone else who thinks so!

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beyondthesky 2 months ago

@taptroupe ty !!! they're all still a lil jank cos idk what i'm doing hahah but i figure somewhat mobile friendly has gotta be better than not at all mobile friendly right ?

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beyondthesky 2 months ago

@shulks-scrapbook FUNGUS MAXIMUSSON dsjksjkl ty sm !! floating dickson.png was a serendipitous stroke of genius now he can judge u judging him <3

beyondthesky 2 months ago

@clotshot TASTE i am shaking ur hand always exciting to find another xenoblade fan in the wild !!

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beyondthesky 4 months ago

zero time dilemma puzzle guide page is a-go! it's barebones and janky as all shit right now. who knew dropdown menus would be so damn difficult >:(

taptroupe 4 months ago

that's so cool i'm gonna show my friend who likes 999

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beyondthesky 4 months ago

actual honest-to-god update on beyond the sky? in 2024??? it's more likely than you'd think! i've missed working on my site ,,,, it's been so long though that i've lowkey forgotten the sparse bit of coding i knew lmao :')

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beyondthesky 8 months ago

a site update? on beyondthesky? it's more likely than you'd think! life has been kicking my ass lately so NeoCities has kinda fallen off my radar ... which is sad cos i miss y'all and the community here! today's update is a small one, just yarning a bit about writing... i wanna come back to NeoCities when things calm down a little but idk when that'll be yet :'')


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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedAug 3, 2023
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videogames xenoblade personal pokemon