No Happy Nonsense

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hi, site updates galore! new post, new format, new this new that. stick around and drink a coffee. more new stuff coming soon.
meersalz 4 years ago

Love it! It's always a pleasure to read your stuff!

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nohappynonsense 4 years ago

thank ye kindly! your site is pretty intriguing so far, excited to see it grow!

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meersalz 4 years ago

Okay, so I finished reading the article (the second time so as not to miss anything)! Especially fond of how well you portrayed growth and improvement. Even though it ends on a lull, it still manages to conjure up the sliver of hope we all need in these trying times.

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nohappynonsense 4 years ago

thanks, i usually end most of my writing with some variation of "what does it matter, the climate collapse will end us all" so the prospect of going outside for a jog feels hugely positive for me, haha

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readingproject 4 years ago

At 54 I still run the same distances I did when I was 20! My sons complain I tell the same jokes all the time. I have tried to explain I am not repetitious.These are running jokes

nohappynonsense 4 years ago

the dadness of this post is :chef kiss:

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thefurnace 4 years ago

As always stellar writing. Keep up the good work!

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meersalz 4 years ago

(Wow, this is one of the sweetest threads to wake up to! So much positivity)

been working on the site on lots of back pages and such for a medium-scale format tweaking. parts of the site might not work correctly as i go. it's hard being lazy.
readingproject 4 years ago

Scribbles, About and Other Stuff in your menu - the links are broken

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readingproject 4 years ago

Other stuff too, but I guess you know

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Ever read any Andrew A Smith? Rabbit & Robot, Grasshopper Jungle?
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nohappynonsense 4 years ago

i haven't, anything worth checking out?

bluef00t 4 years ago

it's, well, uh, I feel odd reccommending it to people because it definitely has few redeeming qualities. it's pretty wild. There's nothing else I've ever seen quite like it though, so it might be worth it just for that. For context, reading "First Contact Twice This Afternoon" made me think of it.

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bluef00t 4 years ago

It's like a bizarro fiction writer somehow got misshelved in the Young Adult section. Rabbit & Robot specifically is like if Douglas Adams was American, kinda horny, and tripping balls when he wrote Hitchiker's Guide

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bluef00t 4 years ago If the "look inside" preview here doesn't interest you, well, it doesn't get better. but if it does godspeed

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nohappynonsense 4 years ago

i read the amazon preview of the first few pages, the talking giraffe got me haha. i'll probably check this out, thanks for the rec!

bluef00t 4 years ago

unfortunately the preview cuts out the page where Maurice the french robot giraffe starts just fucking eating the tiger

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nohappynonsense 4 years ago

well now i'm very excited. maybe ill try to sneak a review of it onto reading project and claim it's another book

readingproject 4 years ago

Sneak a review? You think I didn’t see that! :-)

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nohappynonsense 4 years ago

Oh I see the down under crew has awoken, g'day g'day

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howdy pardn'r! your yeehawbanero link has a time stamp in it that makes it start 1:14 into the film, just wanted to let y'all buckaroos know
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catcatproductions 4 years ago

Wow, I really appreciate that partner! Gonna fix it now! *draws mouse like a gun* That was silly! Thanks for the follow! Can't wait to check out your writing!

nohappynonsense 4 years ago

pew pew pew pewpepwpe wpepwepwepwe

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Interesting take w/Pale Moon! I read somewhere in an article once that if security is your concern and you're running some linux os and palemoon, you're probably the only person doing that within a pretty large radius (unless you live in a major city) and are effectively outing yourself in a shadow profile through the obscurity of the combination. PM worked fine when I used it, but I still don't know what's best
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elaboraet 4 years ago

That is an interesting point. I wouldn’t be surprised if I were the only person within 1/2 a mile using Debian and PM, ha. PM is an interesting thing. I like it. But a thing I don’t like: its forum. It came off a bit too toxic/elitist to me. Tried to ask a few questions and tried to discuss politel, but wasn’t met with nearly the same attitudes from most. Unfortunate, no?

Little Nemo was my JAM dude, digging your site, more to read for sure
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iroiro 4 years ago

Glad you like it and thanks for the follow. =)

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CreatedJul 6, 2020
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writing fiction stories weird