thanks for checking it out - glad you enjoyed it - and thanks for the link - I'll add you to my 'mutuals' soon
Oops, I just noticed your message! Sorry for the delay in replying. Also, your cross-stitching art looks pretty cool!
I had a weekend of cat snuggle time, it's the best; first with my neighbours' on Saturday, then with my sister's on Sunday. It's the best. I grew up with cats so I feel very much "at home" with a cat on my lap, and they get it too.
I am so sorry I haven't been keeping up with Neocities, i hope your PT is going well, and I wish you the best, truely. As for the kitty snuggles, just let me know, I have 2, my cat Nala, loves absolutely everyone, and she is a talker. You would definitely get all the snuggles, and some converstation with her. =)
Traffic cam photo booth seems interesting. Thanks for sharing; Merry Christmas!
There's a new resident of Pocket Town! A castle, with a drawbridge and a moat!
New look! Technically a holiday webset but I think lit up palm trees can be year round. Clear your cache so you can see it in all its glory! Also, new kitty has joined Kitty Friends!