Dead Winter's Night (Formally Bright Eyes)

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One thing I'll never understand is why people think that chunky books are always good pieces of work. If the story is over descriptive to the point where the ability of the reader to follow the story is lost, if the story dull, if the author expects the reader to understand the world building of the story without clear explanation, then it's not a good story.
bright-eyes 2 days ago

Sometimes, editors, beta readers, proof readers, etc, need to be more ruthless and honest in their assessment of the book before publication.

Is literary fiction an actual type of fiction, or is it just a label that 'academics' put on certain works of fiction to make it appear superior to all other fiction books?
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I got a little bored reading The Living Force, so I started The Curse of the Mistwraith. I don't know if it's because I started reading The Living Force and then abandoned it because of the eye infection, or if I just don't like the book that much - it's a bit dull, tbh. The only thing that I like about it is that it has the Jedi Council in it prior to The Phantom Menace - I think a story following a couple of them -
bright-eyes 1 week ago

on a more interesting mission would have been a better read. It doesn't justify being published in hardback so I'm glad that I borrowed it and got a cheap kindle copy.

bright-eyes 1 week ago

The Curse of the Mistwraith is a much longer book and the length of it was a bit off putting - I hope I get through it fully before it needs to go back in January - I don't want to keep it longer than that if I can help it.

bright-eyes 1 week ago

But I am liking it more.

I've decided not to do the reading challenge website - I'm doing a physical reading journal instead. I just couldn't find a way of doing the link buttons in a way that I liked. It would be nice to find a group of people that like reading books - not a 'book club' where everyone reads the same book at the same time, but a group of people that like similar genres so that you can talk about them, and which meets in real
bright-eyes 1 week ago

life at the library or something. (I don't do pubs because drinking and spending money becomes the focus, not what you meet for, and I don't like evening meetings.)

I've been lucky lately in my finding books at the RSPCA shop. Latest haul was some David Gemmell hardbacks and some Ian Rankin. (I don't read them, but my partner does so I get them while I'm there.) I usually tend to get all the fantasy that they have donated that I see, unless it's YA, Paranormal Romance (I know that I like Urban Fantasy, but I prefer UF that has more fantasy in it than romance/sex/etc, because -
bright-eyes 1 week ago

that bores the heck out of me), and George R. R. Martin. ASOIAF is pretty gross, tbh and I don't want to read his other books incase they are the same.

Ah joy! It's nice of the flu to bring back that bloody leg muscle problem!
You can tell the fickle fans that jump on band wagons are out in force again. For ages, LOTR was ignored, but now there is a new film out they've all come out of the wood work. Half of them will be complaining about the film, half of them will be harassing others for liking it/not being 'true fans!' in their minds, and half will be harassing folks for not being LGBTQ...
bright-eyes 2 weeks ago

And half will be trying to get people to post inappropriate sexting under the guise of 'Roleplaying!' as a substitute for real relationships.

bright-eyes 2 weeks ago

These folks ruined the fandom last time.

bright-eyes 2 weeks ago

You'll probably be wondering why I say 'half' as it exceeds the whole, but there is some over-lap with all these types of 'fans'.

Not counting Watership Down, the James Herriot books and Lotr, as I've read them before, the best books this year have been the Marie Brennen books (Lady Trent, in particular), the Emily Wilde books, the Katherine Addison books and the Meghan Lindholm books. The worst? The Scholomance and Echoes of the Runes.
bright-eyes 3 weeks ago

I would say that the Scholomance were the biggest disappointment because I have waited quite a while to read them and wasn't able to read them because I couldn't get them when they first came out. What's also made them disappointing was that I expected better from the author since I liked the Temeriare books so much.

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