Tsymes Square

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Hey, I just wanted to say that I've never heard of someone making a blog about their minecraft world before, but it's such a fun idea! Maybe I should make one...
tsylatac 2 months ago

Thank you! Maybe you should indeed :3

connor7000 2 months ago

I agree, nicco you definetly should

To the anon who asked "Are you still updating your minecraft world?": Unfortunately, no. I held off on playing further due to the bug I mentioned in my last journal entry, then other projects, then the site revamp (coming Soon™), plus real life, etc... and then I lost some progress (don't be like me; make more frequent manual backups! Time Machine is not enough for Minecraft worlds!).
tsylatac 2 months ago

The Broken Halo section will remain as a monument to overwordiness and bad(/no) builds, but any future Minecraft content will be in a new world. Not exactly "Broken Halo Season 2," but I've got some plans. (Might also share some shots from a friend's server if I think they're interesting enough and feel like getting around to anonymizing them.)

Just found this site, it's a shame that it's gone without any new content for so long. I really like the concept of having a blog solely for your documenting your Minecraft world, along with an interactive world map and all the other stuff you have for your world. It's all very cool and I hope you update soon.
tsylatac 3 months ago

Hey, thank you! I also hope I update soon, but unforunately the "on again, off again" overhaul has been mostly "off again" for the past month - our Internet was out for almost a week, then my computer died. I'm kinda back up and running now but have been spending time on another project and haven't yet got into my backup to get working on this one again. (Also not sure now recent my last world backup is...)

Wow, a whole year since my last real update. I promise I haven’t given up on the site! In fact, I’ve been working on overhauling it on and off since March (January, if you count learning Eleventy and releasing a starter project along the way) – it’s mostly just that actually writing *new* content is slow going. No ETA, but change is gonna come…
I just found this by searching the "Minecraft" tag, and it's always really cool finding a hidden gem blog like this on Neocities. Now I kinda want to go set up a world like this of my own, terrain generation rings and everything...
44nifty 8 months ago

Been reading further - is the line "So many choices – and such riches aplenty" in entry 11 supposed to be a reference to May The Best Pet Win, or is this just a quote from somewhere else? Google only returns results relating to the My Little Pony episode when I look the quote up.

44nifty 8 months ago

Also, I didnt reply till now, but I suppose I've got nothing better to do while it pregenerates the terrain for me... I decided to start my own world sort of like this! Not sure how the Halo will go for me, since I really don't feel like flying around the world in Beta for god knows how long, but hey, I'll survive. Nothing else, I can just procrastinate on it until I actually make it out that far in the world

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tsylatac 8 months ago

Thank you! I'm always excited to have someone reading this thing and frankly I'm terrified it's now also an inspiration, lol. Hope you have fun with it :) And yup, it's a horse reference! You're the first to mention it; I figured it'd be the PFU/Antonymph buttons that gave me away...

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finally think I finished reading all of the journal entries! This is such a cool project, I haven't played on quite such an old version of Minecraft as you but it's still nostalgic to look at your screenshots. Also your railway network is super cool!
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tsylatac 9 months ago

Thank you so much! I love all the pops of color you've got in your builds and I may need to have a go at terraforming a cave myself sometime. Also appreciate that your site has some personality without being overwhelming/hard to read - I feel like mine is so boring, lol

tsylatac 1 year ago

New journal entry: “I Ain’t ’Fraid o’ no Ghast” I show off some bling, go railing under glass, and grump about a bug.

Whoa, looks like Neocities finally updated site screenshots! Kind of annoyed they did it with the light theme, but I'll take it.
Hey, tysm for the kind words 🥲 I don't blame you for not having read the whole thing lol; I'm far too wordy and write mostly for myself anyway. And yup, I'm definitely in it for the long haul - never got to have a "forever world" before, so this one's mine. I like your art! Especially the teal kitty (Sam?) - although I think my '00s coming of age is showing; it didn't occur to me that those are "retro" styles now 😅
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tsylatac 1 year ago

(Or that they're "cringe," but cringe culture has always itself been cringe anyway.) I'll have to check out your 2009 MC playlist (trying to remind myself videos were short back then so it's not as intimidating as it seems) and some of the other cool stuff you linked. Looking forward to seeing what else you do with the place :)

kittokattxx 1 year ago

THANK YOU!!!! :D sorry i didn't see earlier, i haven't been on neocities much in the past week, but i'm glad you like my site :D i think what you're doing is really cool, so means a lot to hear the kind words!

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CreatedJan 29, 2022
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