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if you can, go vote. this isn't a joke. this entire government in america is fucked up enough and i think just ignoring the even if you have that ability to.. is destined for putting so many living beings on this land in doom. so yes, work together. everytime I've said "PLUR", I wasn't joking. I KNOW some of you "ravers" say PLUR and dont know wtf it means. Peace Love Unity Respect!!!!!!!!!
tangotrail 2 years ago

too many of you get caught up in fighting and argueing and forget the actual SERIOUSNESS of what is going on right now and has been going on for a while now in america. And with that, there is definitely a continuous game being played of ring around the fuckin rosie with straight up acknowledging how there is still MOST DEFINITELY a subconscious stigma towards indigenous people. Fuck this robocop shit🤝🏼

tangotrail 2 years ago

my point is that, you should definitely go vote as soon as you can. on top of that, it isn't as tricky as you think either! power is power. ..knowledge is power... that needs to be something to be continuously passed onto future generations. and that at that is a pure FACT. there's so much going on in the world, once again; so its good to keep your shit together anyway you can possibly do it. its all worth it

tangotrail 2 years ago

oh yeah, by robocop shit; i mean that the movie robocop went over a LOT of you ppls heads. "oh wow robocop movie predicted stupid taco bell logo lol" yeah well it also did a good job putting you in your own reality, cause you seem to be under distraction lost in a fucking real life "movie". life is gonna be as real as it gets so take that as it is and don't give up

tangotrail 2 years ago

just like every previous decade, "era", whatever you wanna call it; people are always walking, even if it isn't a walking with legs. they're walking. and those same people would likely reaaaaallly appreciate you not choosing to engage in twitter fights but instead joining them (if you can). did you know computers are basically sand powered by lightning? i learned that from minecraft when i was 9


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