Solaria's Webspace

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0 tips
swiftred 3 months ago

This will be so helpful!! Thank you for writing

emeowly 3 months ago

!! ive been looking for the mediaquery option but couldnt remember the words to find it. thanks for this page its so helpful!!

solaria 3 months ago

omg thank you swiftred and emeowly <:3

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your king/asgore page was a lovely read! ive never considered the ship, but your writing on it was very touching. the gifs you made are also very cute and tender <:3 asgore has been one of my favorite characters for a while now, so its nice to see someone be so passionate about him
kooki914 3 months ago

Ahh, thank you so much for checking out the site!! I'm amazed anyone even found it, and I'm a bit over the moon about the fact that the spadesgore page caught your attention in the way it did!! It's kind of clear I put the most effort into that page, haha... Also, your site is very lovely, too! It's kind of inspired me to take a closer look at, and properly revamp, some of my other pages as well!

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solaria 3 months ago

i was looking at the global activity tab and saw that page on it :3 and thank you!!

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congrats on two years!!
paintkiller 3 months ago

I can finally reply to comments, so thanks SOLARIA! :)

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solaria 3 months ago

just some typo fixing :3

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solaria 3 months ago

jk i made a blog post on a whim

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moheb-rofail 3 months ago

Yes, I'm happy here on neocities, more than social media.

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mostlypixels 3 months ago

Very true. I've been realizing how much I actually worsened my attention span over time, with that infinite, easy reward. And leaving the "big" sites only made me refresh other things compulsively because it's harder for me now to allocate energy to tasks with no - or slower - rewards. Energy that could be spent not only on tasks, but on healthier hobbies like reading books, creating things...

pixelglade 3 months ago

I've found myself making fake arguments in my head to ppl especially around the time I was still coming out to people/processing their reactions, but social media wise it's the same. I found it's better to block keywords but it doesn't entirely help. I'm happy you're finding ways to get away from it though.

whiona 3 months ago

Your experience on Tumblr was very similar to mine on Twitter. It's so tempting to hate-read all the pointless discourse, but now that that app is gone from my phone, I have so much time to spend on my hobbies instead! I try not to focus on all those hours of my life lost...but I am glad to have all that time back for my future.

solaria 3 months ago

@mostlypixels, wow i also find myself refreshing other site frequently, like im pacing aorund on the internet (demonstrating its not a perfect fix, but at least a step in the right direction)

solaria 3 months ago

@pixelglade yea its definately hard to avoid inflammatory stuff. for myself i knew i had to just remove tumblr entirely bc i just dont have the disipline even if i blocked tags and users. i know i would hate read blogs rather than block them. anyways, good luck on your healthier social media journey!!

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solaria 3 months ago

@whinona im glad you've also reclaimed your time to spend on much more fullfilling things!! i look forward to the progress in my life i will make ^^

love the colors on your site!! cool art n ocs too!!

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