home | CrystalClearCrystalline

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Hi! Your website's so cute! I love the little MLP characters running about. Timewarp sounds super interesting and I love the comics I've seen so far! Also, the Teto mouse on the UTAU/Vocaloid shrine is adorable! Now I wish I kept my copy of "Unofficial Hatsune Mix"
whoops, i was trying to leave a guestbook message but i guess it was seen as spam and then the site temp blocked me >< either way i really enjoy your very orange site! its so satisfying to click through and i especially love how you organized your gallery! its really impressive! :)
crystalclearcrystalline 1 hour ago

Oh no! I checked the gb settings and hopefully it's just a one time thing 🤞 But anyway thank you!

Hey, thanks for your help with my question about meta tags this morning. Clicked through your site -- really appreciate the resources listing (def bookmarking that visual text to HTML converter) and also love your art; the comic from your flower poem is horrifying and I love it. Would you be interested in exchanging links / 88*31 buttons?
crystalclearcrystalline 3 days ago

Hi! It's no problem! I wish I was more helpful but I'm happy to hear that it was something at least. And also thank you! I'd be down exchanging links.

draggianuniverse 3 days ago

Great! Just added your button to the homepage :)

crystalclearcrystalline 2 days ago

Sweet! I also just added yours to my "links out" page!

Little heads up: Site will probably go down in a bit (I'm just finishing the final touches + troubleshooting). I've been restructuring my files/folders and it's just gonna be easier to delete and then reupload everything.
crystalclearcrystalline 1 week ago

I think the site's all good to go now. The RSS feed should be updated too. Let me know if there's anything missing/broken. In the meantime: happy yaoi, everyone.

I'm planning on implementing more, shorter comics to the site but I'm not sure what's the best way to go about it. I know the rarebit template exists but these are wildly disconnected comics so I'm worried that it'd confuse visitors. I thought of making a comic-specific archive that'll lead to each comic itself (own separate page) but I worry that's tedious to navigate. Any thoughts?
crystalclearcrystalline 1 month ago

(Should probably also write out what updates are happening here lol). We got some new cool websites to link out to, more resources if you need them and now a comic! Still need to figure out a landing page when more projects come around....

Aaaaaaa omg! Your website is so lovely! It makes me nostalgic for the old magical girls of the 90's and 00's. I can't wait to take a look at the webcomic when I get the chance! (Also!! the dress up game was a delight to play <3)
sanchoyoscribbles 1 month ago

omg thank you so much!! ;o; so happy you had fun with the dressup game, I hope u like the webcomic too!! <33 (also omg fellow magical girl AND yugioh fan...good taste club)

crystalclearcrystalline 1 month ago

Yessss! Excellent taste 🤝 (I wasn't sure how to mention it in the original comment loll rip) your Tokyo Mew Mew OCs were the first thing that caught my eye when I was exploring NeoCities! (Read a bit of their bios and I *love* the team make up! Persimmon is my fave so far <3). TMM OCs were my bread and butter growing up! When I saw Yuuma and Astral in the art archive, I was like "IT'S THE BOYS! AS STAR AND MILKY!!"

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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedApr 24, 2024
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art comics writing