Solaria's Webspace

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I love your site and how the text & links change color and glow when you hover your mouse over them! and the buttons turn rainbow?? this is amazing
solaria 1 year ago

thank you!!!! I love adding hover effects >:3 I really like your gender wiki poem! its inspiring me to make wiki or blackout poetry. it's also nice to find another aro person!

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Hey there, I really like your site! Mind if I mention your readability article on my own accessibility guide? ( )
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yourdevilfriends 1 year ago

To be clear, this would briefly include the information you gave. I find it to be quite useful!

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solaria 1 year ago

sorry if you get this message twice, but go for it!!! Im glad you found it helpful ^^ after reading uour article i feel a lot more confident about adding alt text to my own site images!! im inclined to make long descriptions, but learning most images only need a short one, makes adding alt text seem less intimidating to me

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yourdevilfriends 1 year ago

@solaria Glad I could help :D Adding alt text is always a struggle at first, since most people aren't sure on what to focus on. You're definitely not alone in that!

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i forget if ive already commented, but your site is so delightful!! i love the bright naturey vibes ^^
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ray-of-sunshine 1 year ago

Thank you so much!!! <3<3 Your site is so amazing aaa I'm delighted you like mine! Btw, I realized I never added your button so I remedied :3c I am currently rolling around in your section of photos of flowers!!!

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ray-of-sunshine 1 year ago

ALSO I realized your site structure is REALLY similiar to what I want to achieve, with containers all around that flex + you managed to flex cute containers with images and borders in your about page!! :O :O can I study your html under the microscope?? I'm going crazy trying to achieve similiar results TwT

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solaria 1 year ago

published font page!!!! excited that I got my JavaScript to work how I imagined >:3

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pip-pepping 1 year ago

slurping these bad boys up


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Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedFeb 14, 2022
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rainbow html css webdesign space