67 updates
0 tips
ohgod i rlly need to update this thing i didnt realize how much of it was out of date lmao
i love the vibe, this is such a fun n weird site
nervadosia 5 months ago

hehe thank you :3 working on making it weirder

ohhh i like your webby page alot!!
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love ur site its so fun
1 like
nervadosia 6 months ago

hehe thank you i love yours too!

ohh pretty
love da fun fact button!!
1 like
ohh what a cute webby site <3
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would you guys still love me if i once again redid my home page,,,, hes just not fucked up enough, i rlly need him to be ugly and gross im sowwy
flywoodpaper 1 year ago

I love your home page but gross is good

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people who have the energy to update their webby site everyday or at min once a week are so brave,, how do you live like this
themaczone 1 year ago

I do it so I don't tell people at the grocery store about my internet thoughts.

lees-faggotry-cave 1 year ago

If i dont update my site at least once a day assume im like dead !!!

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nervadosia 1 year ago

you guys are so brave, maybe i should put less energy into being a grocery store terror

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themaczone 1 year ago

Put MORE ENERGY into BEING a grocery store terror. WALMART is your PLAYGROUND!!!!!!!

nervadosia 1 year ago

bro i just bought some hello kitty heelys, im going to be the most elite grocery store terror there ever was

YOUR PORTAL PAGE IS SO CUTE!!!!! sorry if im wording this wrong?? but what language did you use to get them to spin in a little circle, im horrified by javascript and i tried it with css but it was a nightmare
parhelichor 1 year ago

THANK YOU MUCHLY!! Its all css, honestly I just frankensteined a bunch of code together and till it looked right. And used this tut---->

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedSep 21, 2022
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