Solaria's Webspace

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solaria 1 year ago

let me know if you cant play any files aafter the 8th one, im having tourbles rn with the google drive files even tho they were working

pixelglade 1 year ago

I was just listening to Landslide by Fleetwood Mac last night on a 1970s ballads playlist. I also really like Pink Floyd. Listened to their instrumental track One Of These Days from Meddle. If you like Zeppelin you might like Rush's debut album (try Finding My Way) a mix of hard and glam rock. I'll listen to some of the tunes you posted soon!

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solaria 1 year ago

@pixelglade oh man landslide is such a good song i couldnt not include it in my favs. i need to listen to more pink floyd tbh! i dont ever listen to a bands whole discography or even an entire album, but i would do it for them. the only album ive listened to in full is the wall ^^;

solaria 1 year ago

girl help i uploaded music to google drive to put on here and if i put it all on ill have almost 100 songs on here

divergentrays 1 year ago

I've been thinking about adding a music section to my site but I'm just not sure how I want to do it. Still not but I really like how you set yours up! Great song selections, too! Joan Jett is the bomb - I got to see her in concert maybe 10 years ago?

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solaria 1 year ago

@divergentrays i honestly never considered making a music page until now ^^ i knew if i did make it i would want simple mp3 files users could listen to, no youtube or spotify, but i think its too risky to upload them directly to neocities. something flipped and i went searching for a way (not 100% satisfied with it tbh)

what a delightful sie!
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solaria 1 year ago

meant to say site ^^;

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i always feel so optimistic looking at sites on here <:3
pip-pepping 1 year ago

Constant reminders that everyone here is so cool

could have sworn i was already following you! well i am now ^^ i never got as deep into the research feild as you had, not going past a bachlors in chemistry, but the research competition put me off from the beginning :/ i feel like it leads to research teams fudging data so they are more likely to get published (which they need in order to make a living)
pixelglade 1 year ago

Hey solaria! I agree, actually I saw a case of data fudging and they got fired. But yeah, I focused the science page mostly on positive stuff because I don't wanna drag down the web with drama and sadness. I basically burned out and couldn't go on with it. There's a lot wrong with academia. I did really enjoy exploring the fields of psychology and neuroscience though. What area of chemistry did you study?

solaria 1 year ago

@pixelglade i didnt get far enough to get into a particular area, i was in my senior year of my chem degree and ended up dropping out because i couldnt see a future for myself in it. part of the problem was that i couldnt come uo with a research project. my gut feeling was to do something with colors, but i felt like i had so much to learn before i could come up with my own research

pixelglade 1 year ago

all research is effectively based on what came before, but colours sound really cool. totally understand not seeing a future in science though

solaria 1 year ago

finished my javascrip page for now!!!! (until i learn more js) :3

10kph 1 year ago

whoa i love the rainbow page!!

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pixelglade 1 year ago

This rainbow feels kinda 1960s/1970s, I love it

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solaria 1 year ago

omg thats so sweet, im touched you thought of me and my site enough to send me rainbow things !!! <:3

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CreatedFeb 14, 2022
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