Between Worlds

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baldorastation 3 years ago

Next time we bake, we're going to try the lembas recipe. Bookmarked. Thank you very much for sharing! —Tolly

rivendell 3 years ago

Excellent. Do let me know how it goes!

satyrwoud 3 years ago

I love the garden path so much — it's such a unique idea for showing off other sites!

1 like
eyesonthelens 3 years ago

Have you should check toki pona?

satyrwoud 3 years ago

It might be worth adding Lojban; it has a fairly extensive official website

silvercat 3 years ago

I should get my language Okalen written up so you have something to go under O

1 like
rivendell 3 years ago

Thanks for the suggestions! I do intend to add these. For a long time it seemed there was no complete Toki Pona reference available online, but I just found jan Pije's "o kama sona..."

rivendell 3 years ago

They are now on the list!

thanks for the follow ;-;
Just realized that I left an open time tunnel through my site, that takes you back through several previous versions of the homepage. You'll know you've found it if you see a fragment of a poem by Emerson...
arkmsworld 3 years ago

And who doesn't like time tunnels? :)

rivendell 3 years ago

I spent two years writing sloppy HTML in the hope that something like this would eventually happen accidentally, and whaddaya know?


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Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedOct 21, 2018
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