;u; thank you! your site is so cohesive and fun, definitely aspirational for me
I have to go back to work, so I'm saving these links for myself to reference later: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/frontend-development-project-create-a-blog-with-html-css/; https://dev.to/themodernweb/fullstack-how-to-create-a-working-blogging-website-with-pure-html-css-and-js-in-2021-9di
Ok technically I didn't really change the layout, I just shifted the color palette a little...that doesn't count lol.
I know I've said similar before, but thanks for your links. Also enjoy seeing your page design adventures.
Thank you!! Your first comment was actually what reminded me to re-do this page :) I realized I wanted to actually explain when/how I use some of these.
Your explanations are well appreciated by me :)