Oh, heya there! I looked up the right dimensions of a windows cursor, then drew it on FireAlpaca (keeping in mind to keep the tip of the arrow touching the top left corner of the canvas, for the touch to work right). Then, you export it as a PNG, and finally change your cursor in CSS!
In the CSS, you open up the curly braces for the html element (to make sure it works everywhere, including on scrollbars), and type out “cursor: url(“INSERT URL HERE”), auto; <— The auto at the end is the default cursor, to act as fallback in case the custom cursor does not run on certain systems.
And as a bonus, if you wish to change your cursor image when you hover something, you can type out “a:link { cursor: url(“INSERT URL HERE”), pointer; <— This way avoids flickering when hovering links! You don’t need to add it to a :hover pseudoclass, the element itself does the trick!
Thanks! I don't know what I'm gonna make the Cursor Yet, but I know what I need, and that's good enough for now!
I never got a refund for it, do you have a different way I could send you another payment for it? It won't let me pay again on Bandcamp
Hmm... maybe you could resend it through Paypal. I might send it through Discord, to avoid spreading it too much
just go ahead and send me something via email. thesaltedslug @ proton dot me
hey there! I had a couple users log out and log in. we didn't see any error messages. would you be able to take a screenshot of the error and email it to r@pastelhello.com so I can look into it more?
Oh, sure thing! I’ll try to replicate the error and send it to you- I’ll do it a bit later, but I’ll do it today
Update on it... the issue fixed itself! I came back to the forum a bit earlier, and I'm logging in just fine again ^^
FINALLY, AN UPDATE- at least a visible one this time. I've been meaning to add these thingies for a looong time.
I'm still pretty sure that green leaky pipe is a serious OSHA violation :/
@tetrisk-lair Oh well, if you think that tiny leak is a hazard, just wait till you see the paint room :V There’s lots more paint leaks there