Thenri Temere

567 updates
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Spiral Knights mentioned! You might like 'Sky: Children of the Light' it's from the same people as Journey if you know that one! But yo, I love the vibe of the site and your gallery is great!
thenri 9 months ago

Oh, I was *very* into sky a few years ago actually, until the grind burnt me out. I do miss those times though, not gonna lie.

thenri 9 months ago

Thanks by the way! this site has been pretty much abandoned though, maybe I'll give it a new facelift when I feel like it.

thenri 1 year ago

added a link to vgen to the commissions page, as i'm trying it out for my commissions

oh, I wonder actually, is it possible for my character pages to show toyhouse bios? that would be cool, I was thinking out giving toyhouse some attention too, but that would then be double the work
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ninacti0n 1 year ago

I think you can! I remember seeing an artist do it, though I feel it’s gonna take a lot longer lol. That’s why I’m building up my character page from scratch

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oh my gosh i forgot how horrible it is to update the site, the built in file manager just CANNOT handle nested folders so i have to drop them one by one layer by layer.
thenri 1 year ago

anyway, here it is, hopefully everything was uploaded fine.

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tetrisk-lair 1 year ago

Yeah I have zero idea why that happens, it's a pain

oh that landing page with your 3d robot is sick
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The website remake is almost done! A few notes: I'll be changing my username to 'Thenri', like I did everywhere else, this will definitely break links, but I don't know if neocities handles it or not. Also, don't expect it to be something huge, it's more or less the same layout, but cleaned up and with my new sona.
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thenri 1 year ago

jist updating the tumblr link

it feels soooo weird to see my button on a number of other sites, especially knowing that i've abandoned it. I hope it's fine for everyone that it will either never be updated again, or it will be completely remade with a new identity once I get motivated again.
thenri 1 year ago

By the way, I still can't grasp how this site has been up for over a year. That scared the hell out of me when I first started thinking about it. It went by so fast, it felt like this time was all wasted because of my mindset at the time. I could have made friends, I could have had fun, but i was so desperately focusing on the failed project that none of it happened.

thenri 1 year ago

A year. gone like that

ninacti0n 1 year ago

One year might've passed, but there's still a lot to come! I know you're still frustrated that your project ended up collapsing even with all the work, but think about all the things you learned while working on it! That's some stuff to be proud of nonetheless :] It wasn't wasted time, you were just focused on something else, and that's ok.


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Last updated 9 months ago
CreatedMar 22, 2022
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art games worldbuilding