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Are you sure you want to do this?
Ooh, you're doing animation?
@robophobia Yeah, I actually am! It's technically the course I wanna go for in university, but until then, it feels nice to stretch my legs on it a little ^^ I've started messing with it back in 2016, and kept it as a hobby since then. This current project IS a bit bigger tho... more than my usual little gifs
That's so cool! For me Animation is a lotta hard work but it feels so rewarding cuz seeing your art like, move and animate and feel kinda alive is a really cool feeling.
@robophobia yeahh, I can definitely relate to that, seeing the funky movements and bouncy animation fills me with serotonin! I used to animate a lot more in the past too... but tbh, it's great to be back at it with a much better mindset <3