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Or any other Neoclones, or retail Neopets? Just asking cause I've been brainrotting over it recently. Also Psychonauts
I play! I'd love to get in GC someday as well!
@gildedware Oh cool! I've heard of it myself ^^ I only ended up with GC cause a friend gave me a referral code! it's actually so good-
i'm on grundos cafe too! its so fun. got my profile linked on my site if you wanna be friends. :o)
@corvidoodle Added ya! I need some more peeps that play it lol. I've been mainly playing with a friend of mine from Discord
I'm on marapets, which is just a neoclone with the qol features I wish they'd put on neopets lol. I've heard a lot about GC though
I play GC! Un is Peebs :) I don't check it all the time but I love my little soda fountain gallery on there