Neon rust n' alien dust!

3,535 updates
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My gosh, I accidentally deleted your message x'D I was trying to like it so I could reply... but it's truly fascinating that the screen capture works like that
Just finished the Cool Stuff page, folks! Will still add links to all the buttons, and properly flesh things out as I go <3
ninacti0n 3 weeks ago

I think the only thing I wish I knew how to do was a marquee for the jukebox player text... I'll figure that out tomorrow

atarax 3 weeks ago

woah hi incredibox i havent seen that in ages

ninacti0n 3 weeks ago

@atarax Heck yeah, I love Incredibox! I discovered it past year (or was it 2023? No idea), and as a music lover, it was right up my alley! I also love the passionate side of the community with some really high quality mods...

ninacti0n 3 weeks ago


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ninacti0n 3 weeks ago


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ninacti0n 3 weeks ago

The idea: create empty HTML pages that instantly redirect to the new page, so that the preview capture system snaps the look of the redirected page

a lot of your pages' links are broken so you're aware!! (about me, creative zone, socials, cool stuff, graphics, resources etc) seems you've been having issues recently so take your time! love your site :)
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ninacti0n 4 weeks ago

Oh, I'm aware of that! I'm currently overhauling my site, so all of these aren't done yet :] I'm working on the About page and Cool Stuff page as of now!

Guestbook is working again, everyone >;]
ninacti0n 4 weeks ago

Big thanks to my pal Scarecat, once more- wouldn't have figured that issue out on my own

barndoors 4 weeks ago

just a heads up i'm not seeing any css there!

ninacti0n 4 weeks ago

@barndoors There is no CSS yet, truth be spoken :'] I haven't styled the guestbook yet!

underwhite 4 weeks ago

anyways sorry bro I ate the css

ninacti0n 4 weeks ago

@underwhite Haha, hope it was tasty! I'll put it back there with all the colors it deserves x]

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Guys, I'm trying to fix the guestbook- it shouldn't take too long, but I'm no PHP expert :'] I'll change something and see if it does anything
ninacti0n 4 weeks ago

Nope, I'm currently stumped... I'll see if I get some help later, cause I have no idea what may be causing the issue. If it persists, I may just use my old database, and HOPE it works

Hello there! I just noticed you're the person who made the Psychonauts webring ^^ Is the ring still open?
rh0mbus0fruin 1 month ago

hello! the webring is still open however it's just been pretty inactive/no one's joined recently. If you want to you can still join if that's what you want!

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ninacti0n 1 month ago

Oh, alrighty then! I'll join it, since I was looking for a webring on the game lol

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spuds 4 weeks ago

me too! i sent an email a while back but didn't get a response

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I don't know if you saw my reply, so I'm messaging here ^^ You can just click on the Neocities preview to visit my new site! :]
ninacti0n 1 month ago

I set my Neocities index to immediately redirect to the new domain, so that's why it works!

underwhite 1 month ago

yippee! are you still active tho on here now?

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ninacti0n 1 month ago

Ye! Imma still be on Neocities, cause I like the community <3 It's just my site that's elsewhere now

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UPDATE ON THE SITE- It's now fully migrated! I'm using HelioHost, paid one dollar to have my own host slot ^^ I also just added the SSL certificate, so it should be all safe soon!
ninacti0n 1 month ago

I do hope to migrate a smaller sub-site I'd made, which is gonna be about discussing art approaches, aesthetics and techniques I enjoy. I just gotta see how to do it-

underwhite 1 month ago

goodbye warrior

underwhite 1 month ago

and if you can, send me the website link

ninacti0n 1 month ago

@underwhite You can just click on the Neocities preview! It should instantly redirect you to the new one! ^^

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send me an email at thesaltedslug @ and i'll get your supporter account paid for :)
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ninacti0n 1 month ago

Oh no no- Please don't worry, there's no need for that :'] I appreciate it a whole lot, but there's no need. I managed to purchase my slot on a host my dad has used for years, and it was a one time purchase too.

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ninacti0n 1 month ago

I can say tho... to support the domain, I'll link my Ko-Fi to my homepage in a later update. I made it in case some people would like to tip or support later updates ^^

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedJun 14, 2022
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art artist portfolio worldbuilding comic