Neon rust n' alien dust!

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Again folks, I'm so sorry for the inconvenience... I gotta wait up to 9 PM in my time to be able to move the files and SQL stuff to my new host. I can't really do much :'/
Bruhh, my site hit the hit limit and got suspended for a whole day :''[ I managed to get an alternative host tho, I just gotta figure out how to transfer stuff to it.
mysterysignal 1 month ago

Question! With alternative hosting will Neocities still count your web visitors + include ninacti0n in their site directory??

ninacti0n 1 month ago

@mysterysignal I think it does! The traffic you get here will also count, specially if you code your index here to immediately redirect to the new page. It'll use the picture of the new domain's index as thumbnail ^^

ninacti0n 1 month ago

It mustn't have anything styled in it tho. No background, nothing. Maybe only background color, but it's best to leave it empty. For the HTML, just keep the usual HTML tags, but you add a meta tag for redirecting. I'll go fetch the link that helps with that.

ninacti0n 1 month ago

Quoting what my friend Scarecat sent: "Check "Redirect to immediately" in "

robonerd 1 month ago

Well, I recently bought supporter, I'd say it's worth it for only $5 USD a month (which is $60 USD a year).

ninacti0n 1 month ago

@robonerd I did consider it, yeah, but I have the issue of being in Brazil :'] It's more expensive than in the US, so I had to look for other alternatives

1 like
saltedslug 1 month ago

i'd gladly sponsor the $5 a month if you decide to stay here!

I found your site in the activity feed! Very lovely and well-done!! ^^ Also heyoo, fellow Brazilian in the wild!!
pixalina 1 month ago

obrigada! sua arte e site são maravilhosos

ninacti0n 1 month ago

Eee, de nada ^^

1 like
ninacti0n 1 month ago

E muito obrigada também, aa :'] Ainda estou refazendo o site

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Guys, I need some assistance- which free web hosts do you folks recommend? I already own the domain, I just need a place for the site. And well, I'm asking that cause the one I picked has a hit limit, and it will make my site offline for 24 hours if it goes above the hit cap, which is 50000. It said in an email I went past 50%, which shows how the site has been growing in popularity :'] It's such a crazy thing haha-
pentumbra 1 month ago

github is decent, I think. the only issue (that I've had) is that it doesn't support server side scripts so php. and then I saw this really cool one called poyoweb but it only has 500mbs of space- I'm also not sure what the interface is like!

pentumbra 1 month ago

oh-- and poyoweb is also static hosting ;-;

ninacti0n 1 month ago

Aw dang... I guess I would have to either host the mySQL and PHP stuff outside, which doesn't seem ideal. I still hope to find one that supports dynamic pages, cause convenience of administering everything in the same place. I'll have to wait and see

saltedslug 1 month ago

netlify if you want high uptime. They have bandwidth limits, as well, however. I would highly recommend optimizing all the images on your website, as well, which will help minimize bandwidth usage. I use ImageMagick, but there are online tools like that do the same thing.

saltedslug 1 month ago

Optimization and compression sound scary in theory, but in reality most people (yourself included) probably won't notice the difference between an uncompressed .PNG and a 20-30% compressed .jpeg (unless you need transparency, in that case you can optimize .pngs using ImageMagick and EZGif (

corru 1 month ago

github repo + Cloudflare Pages is a solid free hosting system! I use it, and it also has support for dynamic pages, which do have usage limits, but it's based on execution time. so you're unlikely to run into anything until you experience a truly gigantic popularity explosion! only thing is that the dynamic stuff ("cloudflare functions") are proprietary and a little weird to get used to. they are in JS though!

corru 1 month ago

cloudflare pages is truly free as far as I can tell, I've been using it for for a bit to great effect

ninacti0n 1 month ago

Thank you all for the suggestions! I'll contemplate over em and see what I can go for <3

The new revision is absolutely incredible. I love all the new assets, and the new landing page is DELICIOUS. I'm about to dive into the CSS and see what's under the hood :) The little "blog" notebook is my favorite part, and the firefly animation. Can't wait to see what's next :)
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ninacti0n 1 month ago

Oh my, this means a whole lot, thank you!! :'DD The enter page was so painful to make, but it's the one I'm proudest of so far! I still need to do some adjustments, but it'll be worth it. Also yee, I always wanted my own little blog space! Planning out the notebook square was a very fun idea ^^ And can say there's a lot to look forward to for sure! It'll be lots of fun!

1 like
saltedslug 1 month ago

I think the work was well worth it, IMHO. The color palette is STUNNING, and the tree is so beautifully illustrated.

1 like
sickkkkkk!!! SICKKKKKKK!!!! im excited for the updates. love the art and sounds.
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ninacti0n 1 month ago

AYY THANK YOU!! I'm super glad you think so, eee- I've been planning a lot of fun stuff, so you can look forward to a lot of goodness. I also wanted the site to be very silly, and I'm happy people enjoy that silliness too x]

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I've been recently finding some really old gif sites with lots of gifs... it's sad that I can't really know who created them, since they're that old :']
saltedslug 1 month ago

If you're looking for more, I have a .gif archive :) it's at

ninacti0n 1 month ago

@saltedslug Ooo, I just checked it- I found some great ones already, thank you so much! <3 Nice additions to my curation-

I just had the thought... there should be a Psychonauts fanlisting, but I have no idea if people ever made one. Hmm...
spuds 1 month ago

there's a collective unconscious webring here although my request to join a couple months ago hasn't been answered so might be closed

ninacti0n 1 month ago

@spuds Ohh, that actually sounds so cool... I've been brainrotting over the game recently, so it would be perfect. Quite the shame the user hasn't been as active checking the submissions

1 like
Holy moly, the amount of traction my site's been getting lately is super cool- It seems many people were excited about the revamp, haha ^^ I'll be sure to keep on updating more frequently, in my own rhythm! I'm already on the pump to get my About finished sometime soon, probably around the end of this week or the middle of the next, so stay tuned!
ninacti0n 1 month ago

This is a fake background. It does nothing :p I just wanted to put something for the preview and the redirect


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CreatedJun 14, 2022
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art artist portfolio worldbuilding comic