RoboNerd's RoboNet

1,098 updates
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Thank you so much for following me!
its been a bit, hope you're not dead
robonerd 1 week ago

From what I'm aware of, I'm still alive. There's just nothing for me to really update, for now. If you want to see my every move, I'm pretty active on Bluesky, my username is literally just my website, so it shouldn't be too hard to find.

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why you be dead broskie?
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robonerd 3 weeks ago

My Laptop broke (Or more, the Charger did). I'm currently borrowing a friend's one. The Dell website's order tracker is saying my replacement Charger will arrive by the 15th.

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robonerd 1 month ago

Test Animation I made

I recently started playing this insanely dumb, weird MMO game made by Cartoon Network, of all people back in the 2000s when everyone and their Dogs were making them. It's called FusionFall and it's pretty fun! It was shut down in 2013, but some people revived it as "Retrobution".
Merry Christmas! Uh... Boxing Day? Anyways, I got a Drawing Tablet, finally, so soon enough there might be actual Graphic Design.
Hey, I've just moved houses and the Wi-Fi only decided to start working less than an Hour ago. Updates may be slowing down for a while.

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Last updated 6 hours ago
CreatedMay 14, 2024
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