I Love Spreading Misinformation

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from statements i have made on my website I definitely have room for improve. I should have consider how there should be anti-harrasment laws to protect people from hate speech. Hate speech can be hard to defined because is an opinion offensive or do you personally just find it offensive. I am not saying hate speech should be allowed, but it can be hard to decipher what is hate or not.
ilovespreadingmisinformation 6 months ago

I'll add a part on to my website where I'll add exeptions to some of the points I have made.

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sines-and-cymbals 6 months ago

"Hate Speech" should be mandatory, being offensive is a public service

funnyorangecat 6 months ago

sines-and-cymbals what on EARTH are you talking about vro

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sakana 6 months ago

For my part, based on the content of your site, I thought it was kind of clear the playful "misinformation peddling" was referring to airy things like occult topics, wacky conspiracy theories etc rather than "eugenics" or "holocaust denial".

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sakana 6 months ago

There needs to be standards/oversight for the veracity of information conveyed in encyclopedias, journals, news media, textbooks etc but I don't think this enforcement should apply to random individuals using social media (even if I find what they're saying REALLY odious) barring exceptions like specific/targeted harrassment of other individuals.

thoughts-about-stuff 5 months ago

All speech can be perceived as “hate speech” if the hearer is sensitive enough. A free speech policy that doesn't permit hate speech is functionally the same as no free speech policy at all.

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CreatedJun 27, 2022
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