
1,993 updates
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oh wow..... first of all, the layout of your site is gorgeous. I read your essay, white space. i'll be thinking about it for a while. I really really resonate with all that you have to say, and I appreciate it. It educated me, for sure. Have a good one, friend! :)
mantaray 2 days ago

this sweetened my day 2 weeks later hahaha. i will be keeping an eye on your hot takes new friend!!!!!

1 like
coul bolg
1 like
i appreciate the site!!!!!! i think about very often how the parameters of the medical system (and i can only speak for "canada") has racism baked into it. I think about how it is still thought that black people have a higher pain tolerance to justify slavery. I think about how truth and reality, as it is sold to us, is so incessantly intertwined with the white supremacist colonial project
mantaray 1 month ago

i also think this topic is soooooo important in a time of genocide in Palestine! thank u!

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@@@ was updated.
1 month ago
1 like
does anyone have guestbook recommendations D;
1 like
@@@ was updated.
2 months ago
@@@ was updated.
6 months ago
ur site is so sily
1 like
mantaray 6 months ago

Zank u, Dr.Highz. In return, I washed your ayin

1 like
unusualhighz 6 months ago

yes wash ayin.....

@@@ was updated.
7 months ago
@@@ was updated.
8 months ago

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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedMay 6, 2022
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