Koopa's Cool Site

1,052 updates
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recently i got on neocities so i could obtain something i made on my phone to my pc and then i see you found and liked my site lol. Anyway, your website is pretty cool!
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donoshi 5 days ago

Thanks, so is yours!

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1 like
best sonic website on here (also free follow)
1 like
dropandspindash 1 month ago

thank you very much!! :')

1 like
i love the look of this site! also free quick pseudo hyperlink to the kirby right back at ya intro 999/10
1 like
daniele63 1 month ago

thanks !! i love the kirby anime and the songs on your home page, i'm adding your button to my site later (i'm trying to find cool sites to add but i don't have much time)

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Last updated 1 hour ago
CreatedSep 14, 2023
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