Divergent Rays

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divergentrays 1 year ago

I'm not sure I like my follow comments being gone because there's no easy way to tell who followed you now. Unless there is and I'm just missing it?

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OMG, another pressed (smashed) penny lover! How exciting! I don't have pics of my pennies on my site, just a listing of what I've got (under Interests if you want to see) but I really like the way you have yours displayed!
keysklubhouse 1 year ago

Ooh, I checked out your list and your pennies sound super neat! I'd love to see them when you can get photos taken. :D And thank you! I think it works very well to allow viewing the pennies without them taking up a huge amount of space on the page. ^_^

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paintkiller 1 year ago

This blog post inspired me to get back into reading more heavily. I used to read all the time, have read quite a lot, but it just got away from me for a while. And it inspired me to gete off my butt and make a teacup. Thank you! Now go make a Teeny Towers room so I can add it to my tower! ;)

badgersaurus 1 year ago

I feel you on the book thing-I'm reading Dune right now and I'm finding it a slog even though a lot of it really is interesting to me (both in itself and in terms of genre influence). I think I might have to put it down and come back later after reading some other stuff.

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I really liked your write up of your Sedna's World experience. I hope the game gets more love!
justin-myhead 1 year ago

thank you so much!! I hope so too, it really is a shame to see such a fun quirky little game fall into obscurity... I might make another write up on one of the games from that pack, there's a lot of interesting stuff in there.

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You have such a neat page! I've had a really fun time going through it. I think DS9 was one of the best Trek series (although Strange New Worlds is pretty awesome).
solaria 1 year ago

thank you so much!!! you have some great links (still looking through them at the moment) i havent yet but sometime ill have to check out the new star trek series(plural)

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divergentrays 1 year ago

I usually save my updates for the weekend but I snuck in here and uploaded some more of my pixel art. I had slacked on the PixilArt daily challenges but I started them up again and I'm feeling proud!


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CreatedMar 21, 2022
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