AllyRat World

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I just read a pretty interesting blog on the sudden uptick on new users stealing other site's code. And my big weigh in on it is, if you are able to decypher and use my code. fucking go for it dude you're smarted than me. it would've been easier to make a whole site from scratch than demystify my chicken scratchings
allyratworld 1 year ago

explain to me how any of the code on my website works and I'll pay for $20 i dare you i double dare you xD

allyratworld 1 year ago

disclaimer, this is a joke please don't steal peoples whole entire webpages it's a bit cringe and not the cool kind of cringe

ita 1 year ago

lmao i feel this,, my code's sucha a mess ¯▿¯;; do u have a link to the blog btw?? i wanna read !!

sakana 1 year ago

I get the spiritual core of the blog post I think, which seems to be like "building webspaces is an art form not like other ones you're used to, building something from the ground up even if it's wonky is more authentic and expressive than lifting code from elsewhere", but also... I'm straight up using a free template from eggramen ^^; lol

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allyratworld 1 year ago

@sakana I think templates aren't the issue, the issue is there are being instances recently of people getting the entire source code from someone elses website vis inspect source and c+ping it onto theirs, as opposed to using a template that has permission given or taking just little bits of code. Which is a bit rude

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CreatedJun 4, 2019
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