Brian Lynn Bentley's Bookstore: Your Gateway to Timeless Tales

939 updates
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if you want to help knock my ego down a few notches and pre read some of the thing si am editing or writing I would suggest you hop on to CritqueMatch
i know it has been a while, I got a new job, and my compute rkept crashing then i had some weather issues, I moved to a osuthern state to avoide Blizzards, But i got time to continue my projects. I am almost finished with my latesst books, I have reedited and beta ttested by other books at least most of them
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six days, i am a one man army here, working on it now before i go to bed
this week as been busy with my real job amnnd editing my books.
Going through my work
I found this great place to help me proof read my books s i am abinf a grande time.
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I will probaly be updating the site again , I use a custom myself and then i use kompozer to do the more complicated stiff, but from both i am getting better at HTML, its been almost 20 years since i had to write HTML i am so sick of the template websites.
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got a real job in the morning till i become a famous writer
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you designed the site well
attticusherodes 1 month ago

i appreciate it i am sorry for the delay but my computer died, so i am chugging along playing catch up, I thank yo u very much

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Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedOct 9, 2018
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retro history sciencefiction computers books