No Happy Nonsense

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yes, i only track run time! i'm not trying to run a marathon or anything so i feel (very unscientifically and based on vibes alone) that what matters is the time spent doing cardio (: (time your hr is elevated to a bearable degree, regardless of running speed!)
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nohappynonsense 6 months ago

that's a great attitude towards running and it's something i'm trying to incorporate more (running on vibes) but i also like to know if i crushed 50 miles in a week etc etc

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sorbier 6 months ago

it sounds like you actually run distances! if you're trying to cover distance, it makes sense to track distance (: would love to read more about your running if you ever write about it again.

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nohappynonsense 6 months ago

thanks! yeah i try to get some miles in as much as i can. i have written about running on my site a few times, i can link them to you direct if you're looking for them specifically. otherwise just poke around "features" and they're in there

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Last updated 14 hours ago
CreatedJul 6, 2020
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