I'm not sure about how to make poetry more accessible, but it would almost have to be outside of institutions altogether, not at the academic level. I studied to teach college English, and everything felt so weighed down by theory and the need to find a thesis topic that even something as free as poetry started to feel rote; like subjects of analysis rather than the artists' expressions. It's a tricky puzzle!
@miela yeah, it really is tricky!! academia is so busted, and so academic approaches to just about anything can either kill your passion or kindle it. it feels like there's no in between. i think that poetry appreciation should be seen as a casual thing, as something people just do if they fancy. like reading prose!
two new abstract art pieces dropped!! https://manyface.neocities.org/abstractart/deathistheroom.jpg and https://manyface.neocities.org/abstractart/flightleaf.jpg !! there are now 101 ABSTRACT ART PIECES!!! we should do something to celebrate :D !!! - j
@colrana thank you so much!! our serrated palette knife is a true and trusted friend :) - j
added ichi the killer to film library + some mutual buttons to links page!! - j
new muse ariadne prompt fill! https://manyface.neocities.org/muse#perspective - j
two new non-abstract art pieces! we went to a printmaking workshop today and here are the results: https://manyface.neocities.org/otherart/scrimmybingus.jpg and https://manyface.neocities.org/otherart/crungyspingus.jpg (of course, there are many more prints of each) !! - j
you can now generate one of SIXTY manyface facts by clicking a button on the index page. exciting! - j
i just changed the fonts on my pages, marking the great manyface font overhaul as complete (thank goodness, because this started in april!) - therry :>
new journal post! about my newest partner, osa. https://manyface.neocities.org/journal#060824 - j
okroshka recipe is up!! https://manyface.neocities.org/recipes/okroshka - j and shades
ive never heard of that story, but holy fuck your imagery is soooo vivid i might as well have been there. love the vocabuulary you used :0
@caesthoffe thank you so much!! there are a lot of variants of the story, i was surprised to see just how many there are when i was refreshing myself on the premise. i think i know the story from a soviet cartoon?
really love how compact and punchy this poem is - completely agree with caesthoffe that the imagery is stunning!
@ryo thank you!!! it was the sort of thing that came to me as i was trying to sleep and i had to get up to write it down, haha!
updated my own page with a little paragraph about my newest partner, osa! i'm definitely going to write about her in the journal, too... - j
deleted the rss feed because it was really annoying to keep up to date and i felt like nobody even knew it was there. - j
new muse ariadne prompt fill! this is a positive piece abt recovery, but it does mention (without describing) some serious trauma, so stay safe. https://manyface.neocities.org/muse#place - j