I Love Spreading Misinformation

1,978 updates
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Cool site! If you make a site button I'll put in on my page! Keep it up, and I WILL be reading...
ilovespreadingmisinformation 8 months ago

Thank you ( ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ ) I'll figue out how to make a button shortly.

Neat little collection of spooky, occult, paranormal PDFs. Reminds me of Wendigoon's content
1 like
this is a super cool website! I love the thought behind it :) interesting insights to stuff I wouldn't have thought of before. rock on dude
1 like
Thank you for the follow. Have you decided to give some misinformation to my incomplete little website?
1 like
I love the aesthetics of your website! The you are visitor count X doesn't work tho :(
nice project you have there, are you going to update the menu or is this part of the misinformation that the links run into the void?
ilovespreadingmisinformation 8 months ago

I'll probaly update the menu eventually, I'm still trying to get a proper idea of how I'm going to layout the content of my page :D

1 like
Good news, we will send you a backlink to your page soon!
i think you might be correlating misinfo with honest discourse / open opinions, which i think undermines your argument. fabricated news stories and bias should definitely be addressed since they're used to manipulate/ warp people's world views, and if you can't trust any info at all, how will you be able to interact with global news? ^_^ just my two cents though. really interesting you followed my page haha
I used to call this kind of thing "the Annoyance of Thought". If you have 1 belief system only, whether or not it's ontologically true, then there is no reason to believe anything else. Introduce a 2nd belief system, true or not, and you trigger Thought, which most people would not do unless prompted.

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Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedJun 27, 2022
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archive conspiracy truth freedomofexpression philosophy