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i have a question
chipsfunfun 1 year ago

why do we hate other people? why do we care so much about what others do with themselves? why? why do we feel hate so much and in such large amounts? why do i feel hatred towards my dad, and why do i feel hate for the ones who harmed me? why don't i let go? this is a question that lingers in my mind.

chipsfunfun 1 year ago

why do my feelings bubble up? why can't i just let them out without being felt like i should keeo them inside? whats wrong with me expressing my feelings? that is my question.

chipsfunfun 1 year ago

well these were multiple questions. but thats okay.

pagespages 1 year ago

These are actually some really deep questions. I will say that I was the same way and almost lost it entirely. I would just say that remember your past self and reflect on your present self, then try to work to better yourself, rather than hatred, seek understanding, though you may still not like him.

pagespages 1 year ago

I knew a classmate who hated me, but when we bumped into each other after being in the same room for five months, we just conversed, then laughed. I am sure the feelings were still there, but we overcame those feelings to be understanding (by this, I do not mean empathy, but the understanding of ideologies, I generally lack empathy).

nanoarrow 1 year ago

"i have a question" *proceeds to ask 9 questions* /j

aggyproject 1 year ago

hate is both a defense mechanism and an offense mechanism. it protects us and also lets us attack. its not something you can consciously choose to feel or not to feel so its near impossible to let go of it, especially if its towards those who have hurt you. thats what i believe at least xpp

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aggyproject 1 year ago

feelings being kept inside and bubbling up is also a defense mechanism. some fear if they let them out, there will be consequences or somehow their normal will be altered in some way. we as humans are very afraid of change, which well, for good reason. but that also causes a lot of us to cope in unhealthy ways with those fears, especially if u have trauma surrounding letting ur emotions out

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