BMH Online

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Thanks for the follow. I will reciprocate. If I may ask, what brought you to my site?
bmh 4 years ago

Hi there. I found your website through the Neocities Activity page; I like to pick out websites that have recently been updated. I like the detail that you go into with each game and I look forward to seeing your website progress.

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wayneca 4 years ago

That's cool. I have been playing these games for a long time now. I am trying to document them in ways I think no one else has. I am beginning work on a new set of Wolfenstein 3D pages, since that site was lost a long time ago and I don't have the original code anymore. But I am doing new things with the game that I think will be of interest to Wolfenstein 3D fans.

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedJun 16, 2020
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