bees laugh in atbash

4,279 updates
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haven't updated in a while but swear I'm not dead, just got a 9-to-5 now (wahoo)
geouniversal 3 years ago

i feel ya. summer job and it feels like ive lost all my time to putter with web stuff! the web is waiting patiently for your contributions!

blissnet 3 years ago

its okay, homie. We'll still be there when you got time, don't worry about it <3~

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bluef00t 3 years ago

did not expect people to actually respond to this but thank you all. I will also have cool art when I come back cause artfight

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might make custom graphics for part of my site for the first time but for some reason this concept is ridiculously intimidating to me
bluef00t 3 years ago

it's been kludged together from random graphics I found around the web for so long. just drawing something rather than editing a preexisting graphic is scary. i have too much control and no idea what to do with it

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atomicgothic 3 years ago

honestly if you just drew your ocs or band fanart in like pixel art or a transparent png or something id slap them on my site SO FAST... (if that is alright of course)

how come no one told me tmbg wrote a song about where i live
bluef00t 3 years ago

genuinely can't tell if this was meant to be a joke or if you just discovered Venue Songs

cubertown 3 years ago

the latter lol

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bluef00t 3 years ago

Are you listening to the versions with the introductions by John Hodgman @cubertown?

cubertown 3 years ago

nah my dad just came into my room and said "hey did you know they might be giants wrote a song about the orange peel" and i thought who do i know that listens to they might be giants

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what if I randomly reskinned my entire site to be like, grandma floral colors
galore 3 years ago

bluef00t becomes 80 years old

king gizz blinkies.... that's what's up
omfg 3 years ago

I made a few more gizz blinkies because tbh those first ones I made were the first blinkies I'd made in years. and gizz just deserves more blinkies in general.

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedJul 13, 2018
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tmbg music art zines comics